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Does your child constantly fidget when he’s doing homework or insist on listening to music while studying? Fret not. It may be the case that he simply has a different learning style. Understanding your child’s learning style can help you as a parent or teacher tailor the learning environment to meet his needs.

There are three main types of learning style. As a parent/teacher, you can identify their learning style by their personality and behavior. A child who enjoys music and rhyme/rhythm may well be an auditory learner. A child with an adventurous personality may prefer to learn by doing (kinesthetic learner).

Here's a guide on how to identify, understand and make the most of your child’s learning style.

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Most children use a combination of styles but have a clear preference for one. Understanding your child’s learning style can reduce homework frustrations and make it easier for him to learn. Do note, however, that a child’s preferred learning style may change as he grows and that children who can learn in a variety of ways can more readily absorb information. Using a variety of approaches to help your child in learning can give him a competitive edge.

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